Get access to VapeClick
Get access to our extensive database where we have over 600,000 products and more than 1,500 verified companies related to the Vape industry. We update our database daily to ensure the most up-to-date information.
With vapeClick, you can easily update your business and product information, and go through the verification process to enhance your credibility with potential business partners and regulatory agencies.
Additionally, gain access to a wide range of statistics and insights regarding the Vape market to stay informed about the latest trends and developments.
Manufacturer Plan
Dedicated plan for e-liquid manufacturers.
In this plan, you can update the data related to your products, such as product photo, description, additional identification data to facilitate easier product identification.
What's included?
- Access to all data from UK & Ireland including historic data
- The ability to update your product details published on *,**
- Share your data with compliance agencies and partners.
- Update your business profile, **
- Daily notifications about the status of your products.
- Unlimited search
- Tools to export data
- Online support from our help team
Compliance agency Plan
Dedicated plan for compliance agency.
This plan is perfect for compliance agency, allowing for quick verification if a product has been reported to the appropriate institutions, and keep up to date with any updates.
What's included?
- Access to all data from UK & Ireland including historic data
- Update your business profile **
- Get access to your customers' data and stay up to date.
- Daily notifications about the status of your customers products.
- Unlimited search
- Tools to export data
- Online support from our help team
Retailer Plan
Dedicated plan for retailers.
This plan is perfect for retailers and importers, allowing for quick verification if a product has been reported to the appropriate institutions
What's included?
- Access to all data from UK & Ireland including historic data
- Update your business profile **
- Unlimited search
- Tools to export data
- Online support from our help team
Free Government Plan
Dedicated plan for Government bodies.
If you are part of a Government body, click the button below to have completely free access to the Vape Click platform.
What's included?
- Access to all data from UK & Ireland including historic data
- Update your goverment profile
- Unlimited search
- Tools to export data
- Online support from our help team
Get free access
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